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ILLAMASQUA PRO: Newsletter, Issue 1 August 2020

ILLAMASQUA PRO: Newsletter, Issue 1 August 2020
Katie Shaw
Writer and expert4 years ago
View Katie Shaw's profile



We are super excited to introduce our first ever Pro newsletter written by FrankieMckernon, Head of Professional Development atIllamasqua. This is a monthly newsletter to connect with our professional community and bring you all the latestIllamasquanews. We want to bring you exclusive insights from leading industry artists, and exclusive offers. 

For Issue 1, we wanted to go back to our roots and talk about self-expression through the power of makeup. We believe in creating the best quality products so you can create and express without boundaries. 

FrankieMckernonHead of Professional development atIllamasquatalks about self-expression through the power of makeup “for me as a makeup artist I love how creating a look for someone can fuel confidence, whether it’s simple enhancement or creating a character it can be super powerful. I love that makeup no longer has gender boundaries andit'san all-inclusive form of art andself-expression. Wearing a lot of makeup can often be confused with wanting to hide imperfections or lacking confidence, I love to wear makeup but more importantly I love applying my makeup. It’s a moment I takeevery dayto connect with myself and prepare for the day. I always enjoy the process and I feel my look always represents my mood” 


Earlier this month we launched thebrand-newMovement Palette takingIllamasquaback to its routesand celebratingwhat makes us different. Defying convention of the beauty industry our 4 commandments are at the heart ofeverything we do. 






Pablo Rodriguez, our Director of Artistry sat down with makeup artist@Pennold for chat aboutallthing'smakeup. 

Penelope Gwenhas anincrediblydiverse skill set andis and isnotafraid to push the boundaries when it comes tomakeup.Shetalks about how her style has evolved, techniques, inspiration and trends with Pablo. 

Following on from Pride month Pablo asked@Pennold whatself-expressionmeans to her and if her looks are different versions of herself.Here'swhat she had tosay.... 

“Everyone who is an artist uses art to express who they are. Iopened up about my sexuality over pride because I felt like it wasthe right momentand I know I have a lot of queer people that followme,and I just thought it would be a fun way to do it....” 

“Iguess sometimes it almost feels like drag,sometimesI feel quite scruffy.... and I glam upandI’m this very sensual'sall about glamorous  makeup, butI'mnot that all the timebutit’s definitelya side of myself that brings out a more confident side that I have a lot of fun with” 



We caught up withIllamasquamakeup artist @bernyferr to talkabout his work and the topic ofself-expression. Berny is no stranger to colour and elaboratetransformations;his makeup skill and creativity is a constant source of inspiration and we think you will agree. 

Here’s what he had to say... 

How important is makeup in your own



“About a year and a half ago I was hesitant of using make-up as a means of self-expression, and I considered it mostly just a profession. I was bought up in afairly traditionalPortuguese household, raised single-handedly by my dad who’s a cis-gendered heterosexual male, which often made me feel uncomfortable when using make-up to express how I feel and to create an alter ego. I would always as a young teenager feel a level of angst because of this. I’ve always considered myself gender fluid to some extent, and it wasn’t until I began painting and showing my full face with make-up on, through my Instagram page, that I really flourished and improved as an artist. Once I began embracing this, I realised my father is fully supportive of what I do, and that my suspicions were then effectively dissolved, gone! Which was a great feeling. From this point, make-up then became my ultimate source of self-expression. It wasn’t until I didthis andlet go of insecurities that I was truly able to then manifest my alter ego which you all now see as Berny Ferr. And it’s all thanks to the power and seamless creativity you can achieve from make-up artistry.” 

How would you describe your style?


My style is very conceptual, experimental, colourful, deconstructed yet graphic, messy, political, crazy, weird, freaky… the list goes on.I do my best to always revisit my creative roots when doing a make-up look, but to also test out and work on new techniques. I think it's very important to be versatile as a make-up artist and being able to execute various styles of make-up whether it be bridal/night out/beauty make-up or drag/fashion/editorial make-up. I’ve always dipped my toes in various styles.  

What would you say to someone to encourage them to try something different and step outside their comfort zone? 


Make-up has no rules, don’t contain yourself within constructs set within the industry and have fun! You don’t need to achieve a perfect liner, or a perfectly blended eyeshadow (even though both are still great skills to have) you will only truly be able to express yourself with make-up, once you overcome the rules. Break those rules and be fearless, add colour, really go for it and have some fun! However, also understand how YOU want to express yourself with make-up. Look at make-up tutorials, go to an art gallery or a new exhibition, watch a film, listen to music, go on a walk. You’ll be shocked at how many random things will inspire you creatively, and how this will inspire you to do something new! 

What’s your top 3 favourite





Easy!Satin Primer, Hydra Veil and the Experimental Palette! (PS: Satin primer is the perfect foundation mixer, it’s basically like an instant BB cream when you mix it together with the Skin Base Foundation and it looks beautiful *chefs kiss*) 


In celebration oflaunchingRead My Lips campaignthis monthwe have teamed up with War Paint magazineto bring you the latest competition brief and prizes.  

Set up by head of professional development FrankieMckernon, the brief is entitled #ReadMyLips, inspired by the 24 colours new Illamasqua Ultramatter and Sheer Veil vegan lipsticks.  Your challenge is to create a piece of original lip art using Cosmic Dust as your theme.  Take your inspiration from space and the celestial bodies that inhabit the outer reaches of our universe.

Incorporating the face if you wish, but with the definite focus on the lips, your work can be on yourself or someone you share your home or social bubble with.  Cosmetic products only are to be used, no craft paints, craft glitters, etc.  Submissions are to be a maximum of three images and/or one video.  Entrants must tag @warpaint_mag and @illamasqua and @frankiemckernon in their entries.  The work submitted must be new and entries must be specifically created for this competition.  The prize is valued at over £500 and comprises of the New UltraMatter and Sheer Veil Lipsticks collections of 24 different shades; the new Illamasqua Movement Palette and a Pro Set Bag.

The competition will be judged by Frankie McKernon and the closing date is 14th August.  The winner will be announced on Wednesday 19th August. Good luck!

Till next time...




Katie Shaw
Writer and expert
View Katie Shaw's profile