Our last show of the Spring/Summer 2021 season and David Koma took London Fashion Week by storm with a virtual catwalk. Inspired by tennis, the theme ran through the location right to the pleats and polo shirts that graced the court.
Pablo Rodriguez created a hydrated, healthy glowing base with Beyond Foundation; Perfect for a dewy, illuminated glass finish. Pablo then applied Loaded Lip Polish in Glaze for a post work out highlight on the skin. Using Sheer Veil in Pose as a blusher for a touch of 'court chic'. The models looked as if they had been playing tennis all day in the sun, in a beautiful catwalk way. It was all very fitting in with Koma’s vision.

During the catwalk, day turned to night and so did the clothes. With the court lights lighting up the catwalk the makeup glistened in a sporty, chic style with the lights capturing the glossy eyes.
Make the trend your own ‘Court Chic’ look with the products fresh from Fashion Week here.
That’s all from us this season, we hope you have enjoyed our Fashion Week looks and the shows. Make sure you check out our Instagram highlights for any backstage business you may have missed.

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