Pride Month is celebrated every June in tribute to those involved in the Stonewall riots, which occurred at the end of June 1969. Many events are held where the LGBT+ community come together to celebrate. From parades to festivals and concerts across the globe. Whilst the celebrations this year will be more 'virtual' than normal due to the current situation; Illamasqua will still be marking the month and celebrating.
Equality and campaigning for LGBTQ+ rights has always been a core part of the Illamasqua brand heritage. We are proud to be one of the first makeup brands who spoke openly about these issues from the start back in 2008. Each day we celebrate individuality and want to give our Illamafia the tools to express themselves.

This year would like to invite our Illamafia to share their Pride stories. We will be giving you a platform to shout your stories for the whole month. Tag us in your Pride looks, get involved with the conversations and most importantly have the confidence to express yourself.
This may be through the power of makeup, the clothes you wear or your career. However, you choose to express yourself we want to see and celebrate with you. We are on a mission to empower all as we redefine beauty and show the world why Illamasqua is always full of PRIDE!
We will share as many tags and stories as we can across our channels so make sure to tag #IllamasquaPRIDE.

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